This was another commission for the german magazine 'Art' for an article published in a special edition covering the Venice Biennale. I was asked to shoot portraits of the French artist, Pierre Huyghe, together with interiors and details of his 'Liminal' exhibition at Punta Della Dogana in Venice
This was a hard shoot because the exhibition space was almost in complete darkness. Pierre Huyghe could only give me a couple of minutes for the portraits so that made things stressful too but it all come together well for the article.
The exhibition is amazing, disturbing and thought provoking, exploring boundaries between human and non-human in a space which is itself learning and evolving through remote technology and artificial intelligence. It runs until November 2024.
#editorial #pierrehuyghe #interiors #portrait #portraitphotographer #italy #venice #publication #biennale #veneziabiennale recent work

All Images © Colin Dutton/ART, 2024. Not to be used without permission.